Adjustable Bullet Sizing Dies
Rifle Warranty
.416 Standard Thumbover
.416 Long Range Thumbover
.416 Long Range Thumbhole
.45/6.5mm Combination Rifle
.45 Standard Thumbover
.45 Light Thumbover
6.5mm Standard Thumbover
.308 Standard Thumbover
.45 Sporter Thumbhole
.45 Ambidextrous Thumbhole
Traditional Style
.45 Light Thumbover
The below rifle is made to be lighter in weight and easy to handle. It weighs 8.3 Lbs without the scope and rifles of even less weight can be built.

This rifle was used by Al Thanhauser to bag a Mule/Whitetail hybrid buck ( see testimonial page ).

Barrel is Shilen match grade stainless steel, fluted, with a rifling twist rate of 1:20 In. 

Effective barrel length for this rifle is 21" yet it can still shoot 250 gr bullets to over 3000 fps! It also shoots solid copper 450 gr Barnes TSX bullets to 2135 fps with excellant accuracy producing three shot groups of 1/2 MOA at 115 yrds. The muzzle brake is affective and makes recoil very managable.



ProductsAdjustable Bullet Sizing DiesRifle Warranty